Introduction to a future Pending......

Hey me again. So I realized I didn't actually introduce myself yet. So strap in it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

gif of man in rally car

So bit of backstory for me my name is John Garry (yes two first names I know everyone points it out!!!). I'm 21 years of age. I'm the 5th child of 6. Yes my brothers and sister picked on me my entire life and still do (It's called sibling love). So I'm a avid lover of books, graphic novels, movies, tv shows. Books and graphic novels: Some books that I've read and really enjoyed are the arch of a scythe by Neil Schusterman which takes place in a future where humanity has overcome everything including death. So to combat overpopulation there are people know as Scythes who take inspiration from the grim reaper except there humans. We follow two apprentice scythe's who don't want the position which is what makes them the perfect candidates. I've also read the saga series by Brain K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples which is a graphic novel set in the future (I see a theme here 😂) in a distant galaxy where a race who live on a planet are at war with the race that lives on their moon. The story revolves around Marko and Alana two lovers from opposite sides of the war as they are hunted for their love and their child Hazel. So think Romeo and Juliet in space and they didn't die at the end of it. 

Brian K. Vaughan signing a copy of Saga volume 4

My favorite movie probably has to be any of the marvel movies I just love that entire universe honestly. But if where going non superhero probably the perks of being a wallflower because of the cast and sound track and honestly the environment it creates with all of these things together it's a brilliant movie if you haven't watched it I'd highly recommend watching it. Some of my favorite tv series are Doctor who, your lie in April, Shameless (both versions), The Fosters, Normal People, The good place and Locke and key.

So my music taste is all over the place but one of my favorite artists currently is Adam Oh who is a tiktoker (was a viner who made some of the most popular audios on vine as lol adam). My favorite song of Adam's is Paranoid which I will embed here: Adam Oh - Paranoid Link .

That's it for my introduction I hope you learned a bit about me, I hope you enjoyed the content I provided and I'll see you soon. 


  1. Hi John! Really enjoyed reading this blog post :) That first book you described sounds really interesting, damn imagine if we just decided one day we weren't gonna die, that would be sick (yes I realise this is probably now how it goes lol). Also, I also love all the marvel movies!! They're just sooo good!! Again, I also love the perks of being a wallflower, one of my fave movies, so so good!! Same with seamless (us only), the foster, normal people and the good place! wow good taste John!! -Megan

    1. Ah thanks Megan great minds and all that!!!! - John

  2. Hi John
    Good to meet you I have to ask 5 siblings? how did you manage, I can barley stand my two (I'm joking of course). But ya took a look at saga my self to crazy for my taste but I agree with you about the MCU favorite bit of music was in endgame with the finale battle I got goosebumps.

  3. Hello John!! First of all, I want to thank you for making me laugh as soon as I read the first line and gif of this post! I can already tell your personality is amazing. I am also intrigued that I never really realised that your first and last names are basically two first names!! Thats sick!! I was very interested to read all about your interests and hobbies outside of college. I am not majorly interested in books, graphic novels or marvel but your blog seemed to draw me in and I potentially could start to be interested... Thanks for that! I loved every part of this post...!

  4. Hey John! It's meh your cute friend hihihi (just messing, but not really HAHA)
    I love your introduction!! I was already smiling reading the first par hahahah. I also have a second name which pretty normal for my culture xD.
    -Flopssy <3

  5. Hi John, it's Aoibhe again. Loved this post an introduction to your life! Actually found out a lot more about you, I did not know you were from a family of 6 siblings in total!! Thats mad to me considering I only have one sibling. I also love the gif that you included at the start haha it made me chuckle. Anyway wish you the best of luck for this semester. Im sure we will both be helping each other along and we will get through it together. Aoibhe

  6. Hey John! I really enjoyed reading this blog post :) The book you talked about sounds very interesting and I would love to give it a go. My boyfriend is also an avid comic book reader and marvel lover so you would have a lot in common with him haha! I love perks of being a wallflower also it is one of my favourites. My favourite tv show is normal people too so we have a lot in common. I would recommend the book if you haven't read it. Good luck this semester! - Leslie

  7. Hi John, I love your introduction. I'm glad to see something funny. I'm so jealous of you... I wish I had an interest in reading as much as you. Also that's a big family. I can barely manage with 2 sisters. You really have to tell us who your favorite super hero is! That's it from me. enjoy the reading week as much as you can!

  8. Hi John! I love reading as well, it's so nice to get away from reality every once in a while. I've always been into Stephen King I think 80% of my books are horror novels. The way you described those books make me want to buy them. I love shameless (us version) i'm not a big fan on the UK version but I only watched the first episode so I can't judge. - Anna Zurawska

  9. Hey John! great introduction blog, I have learnt a lot about you as we are in the same group this year The book sounds very interesting that you were talking about I liked the way you compared it to Romeo and Juliet haha. I say I'm the only person in the country who hasn't seen or read normal people over lockdown I don't even have an excuse that I didn't have enough time I'll have to give a go and watch it soon! Good luck in this semester -Niamh

  10. Sup John,
    First of being a younger sibling sucks but I could even imagine 4 older than me. I'm like graphic novels and comics too but I don't get to read them much myself, never heard of Scythes but it sounds really sick. I've heard of Saga but never really looked into it, might have to now. I already know about your MCU obsession so I'm not even gonna start on that! As for the shows, to be completely honest, they're all shows I know of but I haven't watched any of them but they all do intrigue me lmao.

  11. Hi John! It is very nice to meet you. I loved reading your introduction post. I really do not know how you can manage to live with 5 siblings when I can barely handle the 2 I live with it hahaha. The books you mentioned sound very good I should give them a try. Marvel movies I also love especially the last two Avenger movies and the infinity stones it is just amazing. Best of luck with the course John :)

  12. Hii, John!
    I love Marvel movies!! They are so well written and tied, I haven't being able to find a sequency mistaken on them (I'll probably have to type this on YouTube hahaha).
    When I watched The Perks of being a wallflower I was 11years old and I didn't understand the movie at all (meanly because I was watching in English with subtitle and I probably gave up on reading it 10 minutes after the start of the movie).
    Best of luck on these last days of semester 1 :D
    Lívia Alencar

  13. Hi John,
    Just finished up reading introduction and it's fair to say I know a bit about you. something we have in common is I also have a big family, I am the 5th child of 6
    I also so love all marvel movies the are incredibly good. Best of luck John


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