Game Idea Research

The game idea I have chosen to continue through out the rest of the semester is my puzzle themed game. Going off the feedback that Shaun has given me and my own research I have done I believe this is the best course of action. Firstly it was my most thought out game idea and one I am most interested in making. This blog will be about researching this game idea further and think of how I can make this game possible in Unity. I used some YouTube videos to start my research those being Breaking Down Video Game MechanicsTop 10 Puzzle Games. I also found some Unity tutorials that could be use full when it comes time to actually creating this game I will link them here: Creating a Puzzle Platformer in Unity | Prototype SeriesMake First Level in Unity - GameDev from Beginner to Pro - 3D Puzzle Game

My concept for anyone who hasn't read my previous post on this subject I will briefly explain what my game idea is. My game will be a puzzle game set in a labyrinth style prison, were the player will have to solve puzzles to escape but has to choose the correct puzzle from a selection to move forward. The game basically relies on the player failing to move forward. It will be a 3D game. For a more in detail you can read my previous post at Game Brainstorm

3  Game Mechanics that will be used in my game: 


Movement is one of the main mechanics that this game will rely on as this game has selection of puzzles that can be chosen to allow the player to either move forward or be stuck there. This will allow the player to chose what puzzles they want and mean there won't be a single path that could lead them to escape. As the player enters a section with puzzles they will be able to pick from four sometimes there will be 2 correct answers sometimes only 1. This will mean that the player will have to make choices where they will need to have movement.

I have found a Unity tutorial  on YouTube that may be able to help me in achieving this - FIRST PERSON MOVEMENT in Unity - FPS Controller


I  hope to implement a timer mechanic as well this will only be in use when a puzzle has begun. This will let the players know how much timer they have and if they are doing well or not. I feel this will fit into the game as it will add a element of challenge to the game that may not be there otherwise. This will appear on the top left once a puzzle has begun and will fade once the puzzle has been completed correctly. 

This is a video that I found during my research that explains how to add a timer into your game in Unity - How to Make an In-Game Timer in Unity - Beginner Tutorial


Yes I know the games puzzles will be an obstacle but what happens when the player solves a puzzle that isn't one of the correct one's well then like i the legend of the labyrinth the puzzle gets harder with enemies. This will add enemies who will move through the map in search of the player so it adds a element of avoiding the "chaser" while trying to do puzzles and avoid someone who when they catch you end the game.
Here is a video I found in my research - Unity AI - Avoid Movable Obstacles

Caption: Art of the Greek myth of the labyrinth


  1. Hi John, It's Aoibhe. Loved this blog post!! Well done, sounds like you put in a lot of work and research for this blog post. I love the idea of your game, My game is also a puzzle themed game ! Snap!! Sounds like it will be a fun game to play and I wish you the best of luck when created it! I look forward to seeing the final product. - Aoibhe

  2. Hi John, your blog was enjoyable to read. I love seeing you have added videos as your research. I love to see how different your game idea is from mine and it sounds fun! I like how you are giving the player the opportunity to choose between different puzzles. I haven't played many maze/puzzle games so hopefully I will get a chance to try your game out!

  3. Hey John~ it's me again!
    I really like your game idea because I love puzzles games! (as long as they are not math puzzle hahaha) I am also doing a puzzle game for my project so I am wishing both of us luck hahah.
    I can also see that you did a lot of research for your game which is really good giving you a lot of ideas.

  4. Replies
    1. just checking if comments are going through

  5. Hi John!
    Really interesting post, when you said you were going to a puzzle game it really got my attention! I would be a fan of puzzle games that I have played on my iPhone, nothing too extreme though! I'm curious as to how you will go about if the player doesn't complete the puzzle? Will it be over? Will they get another shot? I'm also curious about the puzzles, will you have to make them yourself? How will you go about doing it? It will be really interesting to see what you do! It seems like a difficult game to make! I can't say I know what the legend of labyrinth is.. What if you left out of one of the smaller elements? Like maybe not having the obstacles? Or even the time would go down more instead of someone chasing you?
    Nevertheless, I am looking forward to seeing how you get on! Best of luck!!

  6. Sup John, your game idea seems pretty cool ngl. I'm interested to see what kind of puzzles you come up with for your game. I'm also really intrigued by the labyrinth aspect of the game and I can't wait to see how that looks and plays. The chase mechanic sound like an anxiety inducer and honestly sound like a really exciting mechanic.


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