Unity Tutorial 04

In this blog I will discuss Reading weeks tutorials. This week I finished off last weeks tutorials, so this week I did tutorials 2.4 and the second challenge. 

This week was less stressful than the first challenge week that's for sure. First off I finished both parts of it compared to the last time where I basically failed the challenge. 

So the first part was tutorial just finishing up what we started last week. I found this really easy and just followed along with the video's and pausing when I needed to. This tutorial consisted on making a new method to spawn the animals randomly in the game. Then adding in a timer to spawn them at different time intervals.  then added a collider and trigger components, then I added code to destroy the pizza and animals when they collided. Finally I added the game over message.

Then I moved on to the challenge which if I'm being completely honest I found fairly difficult. I had a bit of trouble opening it so that wasn't a great start but I realized I was looking in the wrong area so I felt a little dumb then. Once I had everything ready to start I was determined to finish. So I followed the hints and to say the hints start off by telling you exactly what to do is a understatement. So I did that and found the first 3 tasks very simple and however task four I was stuck on for a while so I took a break and when I came back to it I  was still stuck so I decided the best thing to do was to compare the previous tutorials code to this one and quickly realized where I was going wrong. Then getting the balls to randomly spawn at different points and would be different balls and not just the same one. 

This weeks Unity went very well in my opinion and I can't wait to get into more in the coming weeks see ya on the flip side!

Image Caption: My screenshot of my Unity challenge 2. 


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