Unity Tutorial 06
I have just completed this weeks Unity tutorials and they were really fun. This weeks Unity tutorials consisted of finishing the prototype we started last week and then doing a challenge afterwards. I really enjoyed getting to complete last weeks project as it was one of my favorites we have done so far. So this week was Lesson 3.4 and Challenge 3.
So beginning with Lesson 3.4 I have to say I started out by messing up and opening the wrong save file so I spent like maybe 15 minutes trying to figure out why all my gravity settings and as such were wrong. When I realized I fixed it but felt kinda dumb that I didn't realize sooner in all honesty. But once I fixed everything we were off and there was no stopping me from completing this lesson. I actually completed really quickly and didn't have any major problems after this.
For the challenge I actually had very little issues. Now to get this done I was actually talking to myself to figure things out (It worked I know it sounds weird but it worked.). This really helped as one of the issues I had to fix was to do with spelling and I just kept talking it out till I got there in the end. Thing is I am usually really quiet when doing work that my family have to check where I am so when I would get things right during this task I would very loudly start to cheer to the point my Mam came in to tell me to shut up! My only real issues where with bonus tasks which I spent about 15 minutes try to figure out each and decided I would give up on them. So that's what I did
I am really enjoying these and I feel as though I am learning a lot from them.
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