Reading 09 - Doing
This week for the reading task we had 3 tasks. 1) To critically read 2 of my peers work and leave detailed comments. 2) Respond to your reviews that you have received by adapting/ refining your work. 3) Finalize the Check your understanding section, consider making it interactive with To start this week I began buy going to the triad document that Shaun provided where I found my two peers that I was to give feedback to. I found this process slightly difficult as I felt both of my peers had done near perfect bare a few grammatical errors and odd sounding lines I couldn't find much wrong. So after I received some peer feed back (mind you I had only received feedback from one person at the time of writing this blog Thursday 16:09 pm however if I receive more I will of course do re work my work.) I started editing my work. I began with five comments some about small grammatical issues and some with larger edits. The first comment was about a line in my introductio...